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The best compliments about the effectiveness of our services can be found in the experiences that our customers have built up. All these positive experiences have contributed to the certifications we have obtained, which we are rightly proud of.


The CEDEO approach

Thorough customer satisfaction research: the basis of every Cedeo recognition
Providers of training and other HR services take the initiative for a Cedeo recognition procedure themselves. Central to this is an extensive customer satisfaction survey. Cedeo carries out this - with the permission of these providers - among existing customers and clients of those providers, in the form of an extensive investigation. The results are presented in a report, which also indicates any areas for improvement.

Strict assessment criteria

To qualify for Cedeo recognition, carefully defined quantitative and qualitative criteria must be met. In any case, at least 80% of customers and clients must indicate that they are 'satisfied to very satisfied' with the service, the cooperation and the results achieved. The score is scrupulously determined on the basis of the Cedeo customer satisfaction survey.

The Cedeo recognition retains its value

If an organization meets all requirements, it will receive Cedeo recognition. This is valid for a period of two years. Continuation of the recognition requires a new customer satisfaction survey with positive results. If the organization no longer meets the requirements during such a repeat screening, the Cedeo recognition will only be extended if all identified improvement points have actually been adjusted.

New recognitions in the media every quarter

Every three months, Cedeo publishes, through advertisements in the trade press, an overview of all providers of training and other HR services that have acquired or renewed Cedeo accreditation in the previous quarter.

Kenneth Smit can proudly say that he has been certified by CEDEO for years.

For more information and the most recent customer satisfaction survey, click CEDEO

More info

NRTO – Dutch Council for Training and Education

We are a member of the Dutch Council for Training and Education (NRTO). As a member of the NRTO, we commit ourselves to the NRTO code of conduct. For more information, go to www.nrto.nl or download the code of conduct for professions and companies via https://www.nrto.nl/kwaliteit/gedragscode/.


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