Do you also have too few hours in a day to complete your work? Do you still see many commercial opportunities, but do you not have enough time to capitalize on them? Do you ever get the feeling that no matter how hard you work, there is only more work to be done? In the one-day management training Time and Life Management you will learn how to organize your day to get the most out of it. The illuminating insights and methods ensure that you have time left that you can spend on your own commercial success.
This training is very suitable for professionals who want to get more return from the same number of hours and who are looking for peace and overview.
Desired result
You want:
- Increase your personal effectiveness and returns!
- Spend more time on important matters and less time on hassle!
- Make a higher contribution to the operating result in the same time!
- Find out the causes of your time problems!
- Tools to eliminate energy wasters and distractors!
- A method to better plan your daily activities!
This training, based on decades of expertise and proven insights into (behavioral) psychology, helps you gain control over your agenda and take significant steps in your returns.
Learning objectives and topics
The following topics are covered during the training:
- Causes
Do you understand the reasons behind your time problems? - Personality
Are you good at delegating or would you rather do everything yourself? In other words: what role does your character play in your time and life management? - Personal action plan
What are your primary and secondary tasks and where do you waste too much energy?
Personal support
After completing the training, the trainer is available for online personal support. For example, to briefly discuss practical situations by telephone or email. So nice!
Length of time
This is a one-day training that combines theory and practice.
This training has room for a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 participants.
Upon successful completion of the training, the participant will receive proof of participation in the form of a certificate.
If you would like to develop as a manager in other areas in addition to the 'Time and Life Management' training, then take a look at our other management training courses.