What can we learn from our skating heroes?

Kenneth Smit editorial | 25-02-2019

We have completed World Cup distances again. This time, however, no individual gold for Kramer or Nuis, but for Krol and Verbij. That shows the strength of the Dutch team. What can we learn from our skating heroes?

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We have completed World Cup distances again. The Dutch team was once again very successful with eight gold, six silver and two bronze medals. This time, however, no individual gold for Kramer or Nuis, but for Krol and Verbij. That shows the strength of the Dutch team. What can we learn from our skating heroes?

Team interest in an individual sport

Unlike football or hockey, skating is fundamentally a very selfish sport. And yet for years we have seen that skaters in the highly competitive but above all close-knit teams ultimately achieve the most success on an individual level. Team building is also crucial in an individual sport such as skating. Strong personalities and talents who respect each other and train together drive each other to great heights. That is exactly the power of a team full of individuals. In the skating world, just like in cycling and tennis, there is great respect for each other.

This is essentially no different in business. We all have our individual interests, but as long as you as a manager are able to form a team that respects each other's goals and talents and works together to reach a higher level, your team members will get the most out of each other. Therefore, always ensure joint training processes where possible. Tailored to the individual, of course, but with a competitive variable.

Cherish the individual, for the sake of the team

'If you put fences around people, you get sheep' said William McKnight (businessman and philanthropist). Having a team doesn't mean that everyone on that team should be given a similar approach. A team consists of individuals who all work in their own way and wish to be treated. This also applies to the skating teams. Whether it is Ireen Wust or Kai Verbij, they all have their own way of working and their own training methods. Completely tailored to the individual, but with team performance in mind. This level of individual attention and treatment and respect for personal preferences is of great importance for the atmosphere and feeling within your team. So give your employees the space to choose their own path within the framework of the team.

Teams of friends go for it

It's actually quite strange. We see our colleagues more often than our friends and partners, but we often interact much less amicably with colleagues than with friends or family. However, the last World Cup clearly shows that a team of friends is capable of much more than a team of loose individuals who work together, but no more. How wonderful was Krol and Verbij's statement that they had 'finally become world champions together'. They grant each other. The two skaters trained together for years and are good friends. Also outside of skating.

Friends go for it. They are willing to go through fire for each other. It is not without reason that the most important factor within the Dutch football team that reached the final of the World Cup was not the pure talent, but the bond of friendship within the team. As a manager, it is therefore crucial to pay attention to your team outside office hours. Are friendships forming within your team? Then that is a good sign. Facilitate that your team members can get to know each other well, also outside the workplace. We recently spoke to a manager who, for example, invites his entire team to a barbecue at his home every summer, catered by himself, his wife and his children. Friendships are formed there that ultimately improve team performance.

Do you also want to work on streamlining the individual and joint goals within your team? And working on solid team building? Perhaps our training in the field of teambuilding of development team then something for your organization.

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