5 Qualities of an inspiring leader

Kenneth Smit editorial | 26-08-2016

Inspiring leaders make the difference. Based on a number of inspiring people, we have listed 5 qualities of an inspiring leader. Read and be inspired!

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Inspiring leaders make the difference. But what makes a leader so inspiring? And is leadership subject to change? Gandhi once aptly said: 'I think leadership once meant muscle power, but today it means your ability to get along with people'. A beautiful statement that certainly applies in our modern economy. Strength and power are no longer the only things expected of a leader. Based on a number of inspiring people, we have listed 5 qualities of an inspiring leader. Read and be inspired!

1. Informal and open character

The times of stiff, always tight-lipped CEOs and leaders are over. An informal and open character is enormously inspiring. Especially if a dose of humor can be added. The textbook example of this type of leader, or rather leaders, are Barack and Michelle Obama. Whether it is karaoke in the car, a dance, a handshake or participation in a talk show, the outgoing presidential couple is an example of openness and informality. Always up for a smile or a joke. But, it's a trend. What to think, for example, of Justin Trudeau, the young authentic leader of Canada. And CEOs of large companies are also opening up more and more. Previously unreachable, now active with their own blog. Richard Branson, leader of Virgin, for example, regularly writes inspiring pieces about his company, life and employees.

2. You have to earn respect

Nowadays you don't just earn respect anymore. Leadership from the ivory tower is no longer accepted in modern society. You have to prove yourself. Show that you have content. So leading by example. Be at the forefront of your vision, and don't give yourself any privileges. A good example of this method of inspiration is the aforementioned Gandhi, who was the epitome of nonviolent resistance. And also in military history, generals who set an example were often popular. For example, Napoleon, who was loved and served as an inspiration to his soldiers by fighting in the front line.

3. Always want to win

Real leaders always want to win, no matter what. And we don't mean that in a negative sense. It is that quality that makes top athletes so inspiring to the rest of the world. Although the drive to win often comes with a perception of arrogance, it is actually a strength. Consider, for example, athletes such as Zlatan Ibrahimovic or trainers such as Mourinho. Hated by many people, but never by the team they are in. They are a source of inspiration there because of their indomitability. Or entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, who is doing everything he can to make Facebook the core of our digital lives.

4. Do good when the situation demands it

Inspiring leaders always want to win, but can also approach situations with humor. The moments when leadership truly inspires are when it really matters. When it is not about profit maximization or turnover growth. For example in times of crisis. So it has Warren Buffet, the top American investor, helped a large number of large companies that were in trouble during the crisis. Investments that may not have been smart for its profitability, but did play an important role in limiting the consequences and recovery from the crisis. And what about the initiative that a number of major entrepreneurs have taken to provide the whole world with free internet?

5. No leadership without passion

Finally, to round out our list: enthusiasm. Passion and enthusiasm are extremely contagious. Someone who talks passionately about his profession, even if the subject does not interest you, is still inspiring. Inspiring as a leader is therefore impossible if you are not inspired yourself. A great example of a leader using his enthusiasm to create movement is Gary Vaynerchuk. With his typical high-passion lectures and coarse language, he ensures that people take action and regularly change their entire lives.

What inspires you? Which people move you and can be added to this list of leaders? Let us know!

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